I'm Married to the Father I Never Had - An Open Letter

Dear, my love.

Congratulations on your 1st Father's Day as a full-fledged father to our #BabySavia! And since it's your first, I wanted to make it extra special.

You are indeed special and I want you to know that everything you do for me, for our little family is very much appreciated.

And so, I have listed the things I want to thank you for while I can remember them by heart (since I have a short-term memory LOL)

Thank you...

...for not giving up on me - on us esp. during the times that we were apart physically and was in a long distance relationship (LDR).
...for the trust and respect that you're giving me since Day 1 (can you imagine? we're about to celebrate our 6th year with Baby Sav! :-))
...for planning your future with me - and with me in it (kilig!).
...for introducing to me the beauty of the Land of the Rising Sun
...for following all my instructions to you when you did your marriage proposal to me LOL!

...for giving me a wedding that is really one for the books <3<3<3
...for listening to the very small details that I tell you that sometimes even I cannot remember I said them myself hahaha!
...for remembering AND buying my favorite chichirya (Cheezy, Piattos), instant coffee (Kopiko Blanca), Mik-mik chocolate powder, Yum yum, Flat Tops, just to name a few (of the many) hahaha!
...for being the strength to my weaknesses (you're good in Math and analysis, and I'm not hahaha)

...for providing for our little family in the best way you can... and more
...lastly, for simply being there for me, most esp. for our Baby Savia. Without you, our little family would not be complete.

Thank you for being the father that I wish I had.

I thank God that I'm married to the father I never had.

The Princess and the King of our little family: Baby Savia and Daddy Everard 😘😘😘 


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