To God be ALL the Glory
Way back in college, Psychology was not my first choice of course. I had always been telling this in numerous job interviews that I've been into. Nonetheless, to cut the long story short, by God's grace and provision, I did finish the course without having a clear and concrete aspiration of what I could possible become or at least which job I would land after graduation. If given the chance, I would have wanted to pursue my studies in the clinical setting. But due to some financial difficulties, I opted to try out applying for a Human-Resources-related job instead. I bet you would not want to hear it when I start telling you the employers and companies I've been a part of for the past 5 years. You may think I wouldn't pass when it comes to loyalty but I couldn't blame you for that. Had there been a time when I did not pass in a job that I've applied for, yes, there were a few. But God didn't let me down. He continuously bestowed His provision upon...